
創建“非基因改造生物計劃”的零售商們是被一個簡單的想法所啟發,他們認為無論現在或未來,在北美洲的消費者都應該擁有取得清楚標示為非基因改造生物食品和產品的管道。 這個信念不斷引導非基因改造生物計劃,成為北美洲那些為了避免成為基因改造生物食品,而努力採取最佳標準方式生產的產品所能取得的惟一獨立認證。




我們要求持持續測試所有含“潛在風險”的原料 – 任何為了商業需求,而曾以基因改造生物形式種植的原料,都必須在使用於認證產品之前做測試。

我們以0. 9%作為最低門檻。這與歐洲聯盟所要求任何含有超過0.9%基因改造生物比例的產品都必須標示的法律一致。






很不幸的,由於受到測試方法的局限,「非基因改造生物認證」以及其它類似的主張並沒有受到法律或科學的辯護。 除此以外,污染對種子、農作物、原料和產品的風險太高,因而無法主張某單一產品真的是「非基因改造生物」的產品。

這個計劃的主張提供了一個誠實的聲明承認汙染風險的實況,並簡潔的表示有問題的產品已經被認證計畫「確證」過。為了確保希望對我們的認證了解更多的消費者能得到透明化的資訊,我們把網站的網址也納入為認證標章的一部分。 儘管非基因改造生物計劃的驗證印鑑並不註明“非基因改造生物認證”,它仍是北美洲為了避免成為基因改造生物食品,而努力採取最佳標準方式生產的產品所能取得的惟一獨立認證。



雖然您可能會看到其它聲稱有關非基因改造生物認證資格(如“非基因改造生物認證”),但這些都不是擁有合法或科學辯證的,同時他們也未經過第三方的驗證。 “非基因改造生物認證”計劃是目前在美國及加拿大為產品提供非基因改造控制與測試之獨立認證的惟一組織。購買經由我們的計劃所認證的產品是讓非基因改造的選擇能在北美洲繼續存活下去的最佳支持方式。







The retailers who started the Non-GMO Project were motivated by a simple idea.

They believed that consumers in North America should have access to clearly-labeled non-GMO food and products, now and in the future. That conviction continues to guide the Non-GMO Project, as North America’s only independent verification for products made according to best practices for GMO avoidance.


What does “Non-GMO Project Verified seal” mean?

The verification seal indicates that the product bearing the seal has gone through our verification process. Our verification is an assurance that a product has been produced according to consensus-based best practices for GMO avoidance:

  • We require ongoing testing of all at-risk ingredients—any ingredient being grown commercially in GMO form must be tested prior to use in a verified product.
  • We use an Action Threshold of 0.9%. This is in alignment with laws in the European Union, where any product containing more than 0.9% GMO must be labeled.
  • After the test, we require rigorous traceability and segregation practices to be followed in order to ensure ingredient integrity through to the finished product.
  • For low-risk ingredients, we conduct a thorough review of ingredient specification sheets to determine absence of GMO risk.
  • Verification is maintained through an annual audit, along with onsite inspections for high-risk products.


Are products bearing the “Non-GMO Verified” seal GMO free?

Unfortunately, “GMO free” and similar claims are not legally or scientifically defensible due to limitations of testing methodology.  In addition, the risk of contamination to seeds, crops, ingredients and products is too high to truthfully claim that a product is “GMO free.”  The Project’s claim offers a true statement acknowledging the reality of contamination risk and stating simply that the product in question has been “verified” by the Project.  The website url is included as part of the Seal to ensure that there is transparency for consumers who want to learn more about our verification.  While the Non-GMO Project’s verification seal does not state “GMO free,” it is North America’s only independent verification for products made according to best practices for GMO avoidance.


What about the other products that I see on the store shelf that claim they are “GMO free?” 

While you may see other claims regarding GMO status (e.g. “GMO free”), these are really not legally or scientifically defensible, and they are not verified by a third party.

The Non-GMO Project is the only organization offering independent verification of testing and GMO controls for products in the U.S. and Canada.  Buying products that are verified by our program is the best way to support the sustained availability of non-GMO choices in North America.


Does purchasing “Non-GMO Project Verified” products help make a difference? 

Yes! As a non-profit organization, we are committed not only to verifying and labeling products, but also to supporting and coordinating efforts between seed breeders, farmers, processors and manufacturers.  These efforts are allowing us to protect and even expand the availability of non-GMO seeds, ingredients and products.